Hitchiner awarded a Worked Based Learning Award by Work-Based Learning NH for Manufacturing Exploration and Externship Program
/Hitchiner Manufacturing Co., Inc. of Milford, NH and Spraying Systems Co. of Merrimack, NH have been awarded a Worked Based Learning Award by Work-Based Learning NH for their joint Manufacturing Exploration and Externship Program with Milford High School’s Applied Technology Center.
“There are so many inspiring models of work-based learning excellence in New Hampshire,” said Steve Rothenberg, award coordinator for Work-Based Learning NH and director of the Concord Regional Technical Center at Concord High School. “The dedication of industry and community members willing to be part of our student’s learning represents the best of New Hampshire’s ‘give-back’ spirit.”
Hitchiner Manufacturing and Spraying Systems received an Industry Partner Champion award for their collaboration with Milford High School’s Applied Technology Center (ACT) that gives students enrolled in pre-engineering and precision machining classes hands-on manufacturing experience.
”Hitchiner is honored to be a co-recipient of the Industry Partner Champion Award, which was only made possible by the willingness of Milford High School ATC teachers and MHS administration to explore experiential learning for students interested in manufacturing as a potential career,” said Timothy Sullivan, Esq., Hitchiner’s Vice President, Corporate Affairs and Services.
Both companies were long-time partners with Milford High School’s ACT’s Career-Focused Internships Program when they joined forces a year ago to create the Manufacturing Exploration and Externship Program. Upperclassman enrolled in the program spend three days a week in classroom training and two days a week working at the manufacturing sites at a rate of $12 a day. Students are assigned to one site for seven weeks and the other site for an additional seven weeks.
Work-based learning is an educational strategy that offers students knowledge and skills through instruction or study, in a real-world employment environment, to deepen their learning and explore career fields in an authentic setting.
This is the second year Work-Based Learning NH has presented the Champions of Excellence Awards. Awards were also presented to students, teachers, and advisors/coordinators involved in work-based learning in New Hampshire.
Work-Based Learning NH is a team of educators, educational and government leaders, and industry representatives working to invigorate awareness, develop systems, and promote and seed effective work-based learning programs throughout New Hampshire.
Hitchiner Manufacturing Co., Inc. of Milford, NH and Spraying Systems Co. of Merrimack, NH have been awarded a Worked Based Learning Award by Work-Based Learning NH for their joint Manufacturing Exploration and Externship Program with Milford High School’s Applied Technology Center.