What Are Millennials Looking For When Seeking Employment in NH?

What Are Millennials Looking For When Seeking Employment?

What Millennials Want In Employment Opportunities

Millennials are sometimes characterized as “job-hoppers”, and there’s some truth to the stereotype – a Harvard Business Review poll found that the number of millennials who left their place of employment to do something else in the past year was three times higher than non-millennials. Yet, companies that are failing to retain millennial employees have often failed to understand what these young people are looking for in employment, and how that may be different from previous generations.

Forward-looking companies see the shift towards a Millennial workforce as an opportunity, and those who understand the millennial workforce have a competitive advantage to recruit, retain and grow millennial employees. But what do millennials actually want out of a job, and what are companies in industries like automative, defense, and aerospace manufacturing doing to give it to them?

Employment Opportunities for Millennials in NH

It turns out the answer is simple: at their current stage in life, millennials fundamentally think about their role as a growth opportunity, but they also want to feel deeply committed to their role and to work for a company that will invest in their development. A job isn't just about the job; it's about how they can make a difference at the company, and in the world.

Hitchiner Manufacturing is growing, and we see young workers as the future of our company. We offer training programs to develop our workers and help them realize a long-term career within our company, and that includes both seasoned employees and our younger workers. What millennials want out of their employment can be broken down into a few categories.

1. A clear growth path within an organization.

Nobody wants to feel like they are stalling in a job, especially millennials looking to grow. When people feel their career is being hindered, they become unengaged and are more likely to job-hop. Working in the same role at the same company for 30 years is no longer considered an accomplishment. We find we are in an excellent position to offer plenty for millennials to be excited about in fields like aviation, for example. Defense plays an essential role in our society, and new opportunities will always be available. A possible advancement program in defense or aerospace engineering might be from advancing from Engineering Technician to Associate Engineer and finally to Engineer. 

2. A learning environment

Speaking of training programs, one of the best ways to earn loyalty and appreciation from a millennial workforce is to support their personal growth. Showing a commitment to the personal well-being and growth of your employees is not a new or radical message, but it is one that resonates strongly with millennials. Investing in your employees' pursuit of new skillsets or knowledge areas will benefit both them and the firm.

View The Benefits Provided By Hitchiner Manufacturing

Hitchiner’s Engineering Certificate Program, developed in collaboration with Keene State College, is just one of the ways in which we invest in our workers. The best part? This program is provided to Hitchiner employees are no cost to them.

3. A sense of the value of their work

Unengaged workers are much more likely to switch jobs than engaged workers. Engagement and connection to work means that employees need to see that what they’re doing adds value to a team, organization or customer. Luckily, there are no useless jobs in manufacturing. In a society that’s increasingly dependent on transportation like aviation and automobiles for business, pleasure, and national defense, every position -- wax injection and assembly, ceramic shell building, metal casting, metal finishing, nondestructive testing, inspection, and more -- is key to the process of developing safe, high-quality aircraft. Manufacturing is a field for those who like to figure things out, solve problems and take pride in having made something, all of which give anyone, young or old, a sense of value in their work.

Overall, what millennials are looking for in employment is not so different than previous generations -- a sense of being valued at work and opportunity for growth. Offering these things, and making them abundantly clear in the hiring process, is how companies like Hitchiner are successfully expanding and investing in the workforce of the future.

Career Opportunities At Hitchiner Manufacturing

Hitchiner employees are our most valuable asset, and full-time careers are available now in New Hampshire.  We are dedicated to seeing that each team member is treated with fairness and respect. We are a leader in workforce development, placing a high value on education and training, and we are proud to invest in your success by providing tuition assistance. Learn why 60% of our employees have stayed with Hitchiner for over ten years.