Hitchiner Summer Engineering Internship Gives Hands-On Experience

Hitchiner Summer Engineering Internship

An Engineering Internship That Gives Students Real-Life Experience

When Nick Doiron joined the Hitchiner Manufacturing Summer Internship Program in 2017, he was handed a list of things the company hoped he would accomplish during his 12 weeks with them. As a quality engineering intern, he was immediately following Hitchiner employees, attending meetings, and eventually assembling product qualification packages alongside other quality engineering employees. Doiron said it was a great way to learn about the different aspects of Hitchiner’s manufacturing, but also about the industry.

It was a lot different than another internship he had the summer before that was not nearly as hands-on.

“I really got the feeling they valued me being here,” said Doiron.

After graduating from the University of New Hampshire with a degree in mechanical engineering, Hitchiner Manufacturing offered Doiron a full-time job in the Engineering Development Program, where he spent his first six months learning the investment casting process and Hitchiner’s and other job preparation topics.

Andy Browsky, a Keene State College graduate, also secured a job at Hitchiner after a summer engineering internship.

“It was very hands-on,” he said. “I got to work side-by-side with engineers. I was able to be on the floor with the operators and dig in.”

Often students looking for summer internships want an experience where the work they do is meaningful. Browsky and Doiron agreed their summers at Hitchiner provided them an opportunity to do meaningful work.

“I am working on things right now, nine months into my full-time engineering role that I started at my internship,” said Browsky. “The testing and data gathering I did in 2017 is benefitting me now.”

Hitchiner’s Summer Engineering Internship Program

Hitchiner Manufacturing recently opened the search process for its 2020 engineering interns. Recruitment will continue over the fall at various college job and internship fairs across the Northeast. Initial offers will be made to 10 to 12 students in December for summer 2020 positions, said Tim Sullivan, Vice President of Corporate Affairs and Services. 

Hitchiner Manufacturing has had some form of an internship program for at least 25 years. In 2005, the company reinvented the program to provide college engineering students entering junior or senior year with an opportunity to learn about the industry.

“It’s the perfect opportunity to get to know engineering students who will soon be graduating and for them to know more about Hitchiner and the industry,” said Sullivan.

Not only are Hitchiner engineering internships unique for the high level of hands-on experience they get, but there are also opportunities for up to three students beyond commuting distance to secure housing on the Hitchiner campus. For instance, the summer intern cohort for 2019 included students from New York State and Virginia.

Internship to Full-Time Job

One of the many reasons students seek internships is to improve chances of securing employment after graduation. Hitchiner Manufacturing has a long history of hiring former interns straight from school, including Doiron and Browsky.

“Out of the 2017 cohort, we hired two,” said Sullivan. “Out of 10 this summer, we will have two offers and maybe as many as four.”

Skills for Success as an Engineering Intern

Julia Fretwell, senior human resources generalist, said Hitchiner seeks candidates who have a strong engineering or STEM background, who are interested in hands-on participation, and who have the ability to communicate with the organization and with customers.

Doiron said he found as a quality engineer he worked with every department and needed to quickly get up to speed on what different areas of the company did. 

“My communication skills and how to work in a team environment improved a lot,” he said.

“The biggest part for me was improving my general problem-solving skills,” said Browsky. “Learning how to talk to key players who can make this happen. My critical thinking and problem solving were really sharpened in the internship.”

Hitchiner Engineering Intern Selection

If you are interested in participating in the Hitchiner Manufacturing Summer Engineering Internship Program, please contact us at internships@hitchiner.com. To learn more, click here to view our internship page.